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    Hot Rolled Coil Tail Automatic Tail Alignment System

    Hot Rolled Coil Tail Automatic Tail Alignment System


    Function description: The inaccurate parking positioning at the tail of the steel coil will cause difficulties in unloading the coil, defects in the tail of the product, easy damage to other mechanical equipment, and potential safety hazards. The traditional positioning control method is based on the length, speed and thickness of the coil to calculate the position of the tail of the coil. Due to the errors of various testing equipment and the harsh environment on site, it is easy to cause inaccurate parking positions at the tail of the coil. The visual identification application product can effectively solve the above problems.

    Product description: This product uses visual recognition technology to identify the real-time real position of the tail of the steel coil, and combines the control of the main motor of the reel to achieve the function of precise coiling tail alignment. This product can greatly improve the automatic tail-to-tail hit rate, reduce manual monitoring and intervention, and reduce the coil finished product cutting loss and and strip steel tail position difference caused by rolling, baling machine damage, transport chain logistics outage and other secondary equipment failure.

    HUNAN KEMEIDA ELECTRIC CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved           湘公網(wǎng)安備43060402000026號        湘ICP備16013601號-1   
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