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    High gradient vertical ring separator

    High gradient vertical ring separator


    1.Best performance and state-of-the-art technological wet type separation equipment up to date.                                                  

    2.With advantages of high concentration ratio, strong adaptability to feeding ore granularity, density and grade fluctuation, reliable operation and easy maintenance.

    3.Can achieve concentrate ore with high grade & recovery rate by handling weak magnetic ore.

    HUNAN KEMEIDA ELECTRIC CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved           湘公網安備43060402000026號        湘ICP備16013601號-1   
    国产高清制服一区,超清制服丝袜无码av福利网,情久久国产视频网站上,视频一区二区美女引诱 最新亚洲精品国自产在线 无码AV大香线蕉伊人久久蜜臀
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