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    CMD MilePost


    • 2020

      Till now

    • 2016

      Transformation and upgrading

    • 2014

      Phase II expansion project put

    • 2012

      Subsidiary Hunan Kemeida Heavy

    • 2010

      Hunan Kemeida Electric Co., Lt

    • 2009

      Merger and acquisition of Hong

    • 2005

      Renamed as Hunan Kemeida Elect

    • 1997

      Yueyang Kemeida electromagneti

    HUNAN KEMEIDA ELECTRIC CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved           湘公網(wǎng)安備43060402000026號(hào)        湘ICP備16013601號(hào)-1   
    国产高清制服一区,超清制服丝袜无码av福利网,情久久国产视频网站上,视频一区二区美女引诱 最新亚洲精品国自产在线 无码AV大香线蕉伊人久久蜜臀
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